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Lent Resources 2024

The Season of Lent starts early this year - Ash Wednesday is February 14. Here are a few of the Lenten resources that stand out to us. We’d love to know what resources inspire you and your ministry context (comment below) and if you think an important resource is missing from our list - let us know in the comments!

Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) - Lent 2024 Liturgies

Don’t forget to enhance yours and your ministry context’s experience of the Season of Lent with these worship resources from PWS&D.

This Year’s focus: When we respond to poverty, hunger and conflict in our global village, we discover God’s resurrecting power. The hungry are fed, the vulnerable are cared for, the sick are healed, and the poor are raised up.

This year’s liturgies were written by the Rev. John Bannerman (PWS&D Committee Co-Convener).

Available formats:

PowerPoint slides
Colour and large Print Versions of Physical Liturgies

Presbyterian Church in Canada - 40-Day Journey

Why not encourage your community to join you and others within the PCC on a 40 day journey with mystic Julian of Norwich?

Using Lisa E. Dunhill’s 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich, readers will be guided through different sections such as “Biblical Wisdom,” “Questions to Ponder,” “Psalm Fragments,” “Journal Reflections” exercises, and prayers to encounter Jesus “within a profoundly Trinitarian spirituality and a deep relational openness to all people, indeed, to all the cosmos.” Dunhill describes Julian of Norwich’s work as one that “will draw you deep into the mystery of God’s unending love for you.”

The Rev. Dr. Emily Bisset, Knox College Sessional Faculty, will be journeying with you via Facebook.

The Rev. Dr. Emily Bisset holds a ThD in homiletics (preaching), specializing in helping people of faith see their lives and the world through the lens of theological reflection. At least weekly, during Lent and a few times in advance of Ash Wednesday, Emily will post thoughts, suggestions for further reading and devotion, encouragement and additional questions to consider. These posts may be the catalyst for participants to share ideas and questions and to enter into discussion with people beyond their reading group with people across the church.

Illustrated Ministry

Illustrated Ministry creates illustrated faith resources for churches, including large coloring posters, coloring pages, worship resources, Children’s Worship bulletins, curriculum and more. We support churches who are looking for ways to creatively engage their communities in intergenerational programming.

Psalms Coloring Posters: Posters inspired by the Lenten Psalm texts for Lent (Revised Common Lectionary, Year B). The set includes nine 24″ x 36″ posters that can be used during Lent
Order posters from the online store here.

Stations of the Cross Coloring Posters: Posters depict the Stations of the Cross (the scriptural form of the Stations as opposed to the traditional form). You can read all about them here.

Sanctified Art

A team of artists in ministry who create multimedia resources for worshiping communities of all shapes and sizes. We work collaboratively to bring scripture and theological themes to life through visual art, poetry, liturgy, curriculum, worship installation art, coloring pages, graphic design, and more.

The theme for Lent this year is "“Wandering Heart - Figuring out faith with Peter”

In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us.

As we were studying Peter’s faith journey, the lyrics of “Come Thou Fount” came to mind. It’s as if Peter himself wrote this song. Like many of us, Peter has a wandering heart. His journey is not polished, or linear, or perfect, but he is always tethered to the love of God.

In this series, we want to affirm that faith is a constant journey of steadfast pursuit, one that ebbs and flows. We want to affirm the ways Peter keeps going: he drops his nets, he walks on water, he runs to the empty tomb, he swims to the shore to meet the risen Christ. He keeps searching and yearning and loving, even after missteps or mistakes. Ultimately, in Peter’s story, we are reminded that God loves imperfect people—in fact, time and again, that’s precisely who God claims and calls.

This Lent, we will look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way. As we wander, let us tune our hearts to sing God’s grace. May we rest in streams of mercy, never ceasing.

The Lent bundle includes 11 multimedia ministry resources for 8 weeks starting with Ash Wednesday and concluding with the Second Sunday of Easter. Selected texts focus on the significant moments in Peter’s journey—from becoming a disciple to meeting the risen Christ.

Wild Goose Publications

I value the resources from the Iona Community during the seasons of the Church Year. The resources from Wild Goose Publications both online and in print were a treasure trove for creative ways of experiencing the Lenten journey.

It is older but Stages on the Way: Worship resources for Lent, Holy Week & Easter was a tried and tested go to for me each year.

The Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE) - 2024 Lent Resource Guide

APCE shared their 2024 Lent Resource hosted by the PC (USA)’s Store. You just missed the annual APCE conference - look out for it next year if you’d like to join hundreds of creative and passionate Christian Educators and ministry leaders for a packed few days of learning.

The Guide includes resources for preaching, devotion and education for adults, children, group or individual growth.

What about you? Comment below with the resources that get your creative juices flowing!