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Crafting an Easter Sermon You Can't Wait to Preach

A five-day intensive on Easter sermon-writing and preaching

A 5-Day Preaching Intensive
March 18-22, 2024
11am-noon Eastern Time

About the Intensive:
Learn how to apply Backstory Preaching’s foundational sermon prep framework to craft an Easter sermon you believe in and can’t wait to preach— and finish well ahead of Holy Week, the busiest church season of the year.
In this process-- rooted in prayer and practical tools-- you will discover a framework you can rely on week after week to prepare sermons more efficiently and with more joy.

  • You will discover:
    How to experience sermon prep as a spiritual respite, versus as a purely academic exercise

  • New ways to approach scripture to unlock fresh insights—no matter how many times you have encountered a text

  • Strategies to keep your exegesis focused so you do not spend hours down unnecessary rabbit holes

  • A filter to ensure your sermon offers one clear message of Good News

  • A variety of new perspectives through opportunities to workshop sermons with classmates

In daily workshops, you will apply the 5-step process in real time with the structure and guidance you need to finish your Easter sermon by Friday. 
Confident in—and finished with—your sermon, you will be free to tend to the services and activities of Holy Week. Please plan on 1-2 hours of independent prep daily beyond our time together .

About Backstory Preaching:

Backstory Preaching was founded by the Rev'd Dr. Lisa Cressman in 2016. It is the first and only online "conference center" where Episcopal/Anglican and Mainline Protestant preachers can thrive in the craft, process, and spirituality of their preaching.

About the Rev'd Jo Cooper:

Cooper has been in ministry as a United Methodist Pastor in Louisiana since 2000. Before then, she was a safety coordinator for a hospital. She has a paraprofessional certification in Spiritual Formation and is a Spiritual Director. Cooper is married to a UMC Pastor and has 3 children and 7 grandchildren. She enjoys long walks and strong coffee, not necessarily in that order.

Note: If we have enough registrants for 2 cohorts, the second cohort will be led by the Rev'd Melinda Quivik, PhD . Melinda has been an ordained ELCA pastor for over 30 years. She has a PhD in worship and preaching from Graduate Theological Union. She taught worship and preaching at a Lutheran seminary for several years, edits the quarterly journal Liturgy , and has published multiple books and articles.

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