Through Ministry Forum, Knox College is exploring five strategic initiatives designed to invigorate congregations and encourage pastoral leaders in The Presbyterian Church in Canada. We want to hear from you.

Tell Us What You Think

We invite you to participate in two ways:

Join a Learning Session: Book a one-hour virtual session where you'll explore how to make ministry matter while helping shape these initiatives. Each session combines practical learning with opportunities for meaningful feedback.

Share Your Insights: Select any of the initiatives below to watch a brief overview video and share your specific feedback through a focused survey. Your insights will directly influence how we develop and implement these approaches.

Click here to book a session for you and your key leaders.

Our Strategic Initiatives

Each initiative below includes a brief video overview and targeted survey. You're welcome to provide feedback on any initiatives that interest you - every insight helps shape our path forward.

Learn More about the listening initiative

Click Here to book a session

Prayer and Bible Study Accompaniment
Building confidence and capacity for meaningful spiritual practices

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Click Here to take a follow up survey

Listening Partner Support Network
Creating sustainable peer support systems

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Click Here to take a follow up survey

Congregational Virtual Front Door Enhancement Transforming digital presence into ministry opportunity

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Click Here to take a follow up survey

Intergenerational Ministry Communities of Practice Energizing faith formation across ages

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Click Here to take a follow up survey

Coach on the Field Integration Providing real-time and possibility AI support for ministry challenges

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Click Here to take a follow up survey

Click here to book a session for you and your key leaders.

Prayer and Bible Study Accompaniment

The Church thrives when ministry leaders feel confident and supported in their spiritual leadership. Despite solid theological training, many pastoral leaders tell us they struggle to bridge the gap between academic study and engaging spiritual practices. This initiative aims to revolutionize spiritual formation through comprehensive resources that connect individual growth with congregational engagement.

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Listening Partner Support Network

The Church is best when ministry leaders have safe, supportive spaces to process their experiences. Many leaders tell us they feel alone and long for non-judgmental connections for sharing both challenges and celebrations. This initiative aims to create sustainable peer relationships that strengthen leadership while building authentic community.

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Coach on the Field Integration

The Church is renewed when ministry leaders have access to professional development and real-time support. Many leaders tell us they need adaptive leadership skills but find traditional coaching financially out of reach. This initiative aims to make professional coaching accessible while providing immediate guidance for day-to-day ministry challenges through both traditional and innovative approaches.

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Intergenerational Ministry Communities of Practice

The Church is enlivened when ministry leaders collaborate across generations. Many leaders tell us they work in isolation despite serving interconnected age groups. This initiative aims to create sustainable networks that energize faith formation while building capacity for intergenerational ministry.

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Congregational Virtual Front Door Enhancement

The Church’s witness comes alive when congregations can effectively engage their communities online. Many leaders tell us they struggle with digital presence amid other ministry demands. This initiative aims to transform digital engagement from an overwhelming task into a real ministry opportunity.

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Take a Survey

Click here to book a session for you and your key leaders.

Ministry Forum at Knox College is committed to serving the diverse needs of Presbyterian ministry leaders across Canada.

We particularly welcome insights from traditionally underrepresented voices in our denomination.