A Bible Study for the Whole Congregation

As ministry leaders, we often find ourselves juggling a myriad of responsibilities—sermons to prepare, pastoral care to offer, meetings to attend, and programs to lead. With so much on our plates, adding one more thing—like leading another Bible study—can feel overwhelming.

That’s where Catching the Spark: A Dynamic Bible Study Series can be a gift for you and your congregation this fall.

We’re excited to invite you to participate in this free, in-person Bible study series hosted by Ministry Forum and led by Dr. Derek Suderman, a professor at Conrad Grebel University. The series will be held on Thursday evenings throughout October from 7:00–8:30 PM and will focus on the Book of Ruth.

Why Participate?

If you long for a deeper connection with Scripture or are looking for a way to revitalize how your congregation engages with the Bible, this series is a perfect opportunity. "Catching the Spark" is designed to be refreshing and interactive, inviting participants to explore Scripture in a way that feels both accessible and relevant to everyday life.

This is more than just another Bible study. It’s a chance for your congregation to come together and dive into the timeless story of Ruth without you, as the leader, needing to plan or facilitate. You can simply participate and experience the richness of the conversation alongside your congregation.

Bonus: Train-the-Trainer Session

In addition to the Bible study series, we’re offering a special Train-the-Trainer session on November 7th. This session is designed for clergy, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, and anyone who wants to enhance their skills in leading Bible studies. You’ll gain practical tools and insights for leading your own dynamic Bible studies in the future, with more confidence and creativity.

An Opportunity to Rest and Learn

This pilot project is open to anyone, whether they belong to a specific denomination or not. Consider this an invitation to take a break from the pressures of leading yet another study, while still providing your congregation with a meaningful way to engage with Scripture.

  • Looking for fresh inspiration for your next sermon series on Ruth? This study could be the perfect research opportunity.

  • Want to encourage your congregation to connect more deeply with the Bible? They’ll love this interactive, engaging approach.

  • Need a break from facilitating while still ensuring your congregation is spiritually nourished? Just bring them along and participate!

We would love for you and your congregation to join us this fall. It’s an opportunity to learn, rest, and be renewed together—without having to carry the burden of leading.

Invite your friends, family, and congregants. Let’s catch the spark together this fall!

Links and Details

Learn More About Catching the Spark and View the Schedule

Grab Tickets Here

About Professer Derek Suderman

Join Dr. Derek Suderman, a passionate and engaging instructor from Conrad Grebel University College, for a 5-week Bible study series. With years of experience in leading interactive and dynamic Bible studies, Derek will guide us through the story of Ruth, uncovering themes of love, loyalty, and redemption.

Learn More About Derek Suderman


Ministry Forum Podcast Coming October 1st


Preaching Refresher - Session 2