Marking Transitions with Meaning: Worship Resources from the United Church of Canada

In my journey of ministry, transitions have always been significant moments, both personally and for the congregations I’ve served. To navigate these changes with grace and intentionality, I’ve used worship resources offered by the United Church of Canada. Their materials for milestones and transitions, particularly the Covenanting Service and DeCovenanting Service, have been helpful in creating meaningful experiences for beginnings and endings in ministry.

One of the most impactful elements in these services is the liturgy for the presentation of symbols. These symbols are not just objects; they carry deep significance and can be personalized to reflect the unique journey of each congregation and minister. I’ve enjoyed incorporating items that resonated personally with me and connected to the life of the congregation, making the ritual even more meaningful.

Another powerful component is the Prayer of Thanksgiving and Forgiveness found in the DeCovenanting Service. This prayer has often moved both me and the congregation, providing a profound sense of closure and blessing as we parted ways. On several occasions, members have shared how these resources made the transition feel sacred and significant.

Litany of Thanksgiving and Forgiveness

Chair: We are all called by God to offer our unique gifts and work.
All: But some are called to lead in particular ways.
Chair: We are all called by God to speak our faith.
All: But some are called to preach to the community with prophetic words of compassion and justice.
Chair: We are all called by God to comfort those who suffer.
All: But some are called to share in the pain of the entire flock.
Chair: We give thanks for ___, who has been the shepherd in our midst.
All: One who has led us, taught us, challenged us, and shared both our suffering and our joy.
[Minister]: I give thanks for the prayers that surround me as I complete my ministry among you, and I ask you to forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made, the dreams not realized, and the expectations not met.
All: Yes, we forgive you and bless you. We rejoice in the ways we have been blessed
by your ministry among us. We ask your forgiveness for mistakes made and for expectations not met.
[Minister]: I receive your gratitude and forgive your shortcomings.
Region: Do you, [Minister], release this pastoral charge from the vows and promises made at your covenanting?
[Minister]: I do, God being my helper.
Region: Do you, the members and friends of [Minister]. United Church, release [Minister] from the duties of ministry among you?
All: We do, God being our helper.
Chair: (Lighting a candle from the Christ candle).
We invite you to accept this candle to remember us.
Remember that God’s light always burns within you.
Go now, surrounded by our love and led by God, the Christ, and the Spirit.
All: Amen.

These rituals are not only beneficial for pastoral transitions but can also be adapted to recognize other ministries within the church. Whether it’s celebrating the contributions of a longtime volunteer or marking the end of a significant project, the power of symbols and intentional liturgy can bring meaning and beauty to our shared life together. Incorporating these resources into various ministry contexts reminds us of the sacredness of our journey and the importance of honoring each step along the way.

The United Church of Canada’s resources for milestones and transitions can be found here. I encourage you to explore these materials and consider how they might enrich the significant moments in your ministry.


PCC Membership Documents and Resources


3 Books For Navigating Transitions