Lenten Resources Round-Up 2025
The Season of Lent will soon be upon us! If you are preparing sermons, planning worship services, or looking for some personal devotional materials, we’ve gathered resources to support you during this season.

Livestream: Ecumenical Service during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
As we mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we invite you to join us in reflecting on a special ecumenical worship service hosted at Knox College this past week. This annual gathering is a profound reminder of the beauty and strength found in the diversity of Christ’s body. Representing various traditions, perspectives, and experiences, we came together to worship, pray, and celebrate our shared faith in Christ’s vision of love, peace, and reconciliation.

Celebrating Diversity in Worship: Lessons from Nigerian Friends
I am extremely blessed to be part of a church that values music and diversity. One area of growth is in our Nigerian membership. About four times a year, we shift the worship to an intergenerational experience. On Sunday November 17, the worship was shaped around the gifts and stories from our Nigerian friends.

Breaking Down the Walls Between Age Groups
For years, churches have been built on a well-meaning strategy: dividing the community into specific age groups to meet their unique needs. It’s the norm in most churches — separate ministries for children, youth, young adults, seniors. It seemed logical and even beneficial at the time. After all, who better to relate to a teenager than another teenager? And wouldn’t seniors rather be with people who understand their stage of life? But over time, these well-intentioned efforts to focus on particular age groups have built something unintended: age silos.

Worship Resources - we’ve got you covered!
It’s Advent season, and perhaps you’re looking for something different to inspire your worship planning, or maybe you’re thinking about changes for the new year — whether it’s a creative idea for intergenerational worship, a resource to deepen your congregation’s engagement with Advent themes, or just a fresh piece of media to use in a service, here are some resources to help you!

Blue Christmas & Longest Night of the Year Resources
If you’re planning a Blue Christmas or Longest Night service, or if you’d like to offer some extra support to those who may be struggling, here are some resources that can help you create a meaningful experience.

It's Raining Books – Hallelujah!
Dive into a World of Books with "It's Raining Books – Hallelujah!"
Books have always been a cornerstone of learning and growth in ministry. They inspire, educate, and connect us to a broader world of ideas and perspectives. We celebrate the transformative power of books and are excited to introduce our new course on CHURCHx: It’s Raining Books – Hallelujah!

Leading Worship: Building Confidence and Capacity as Lay Leaders.
Leading worship is a vital and deeply fulfilling aspect of church life, especially in these times when many churches are guided by dedicated lay leaders. If you’ve found yourself stepping into this role, perhaps with some trepidation, you’re not alone. We understand the unique challenges you face, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Calvin Symposium 2024: Resources and Reflections
I attended the Calvin Symposium on Worship a couple of weeks ago in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I had heard for many years that this was a destination for many clergy, staff and leadership teams among colleagues in the PCC. This was my first time - here are my impressions …

Worship Resources - PWS&D + Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024
Looking for some additional engaging resources for worship? Consider highlighting the Week of Christian Prayer and Unity and PWS&D Sunday. Resources here.