Self Leadership CHURCHx Course

An online course led by Peter Coutts, designed to enhance self-awareness and leadership skills for ministry leaders. Over four units, participants explore self-leadership principles, complete self-assessment tools, and develop personal leadership plans. The course combines video lectures, practical exercises, and reflective activities to help leaders manage their strengths and weaknesses, set meaningful goals, and apply self-leadership in real-world contexts. This course aims to foster intentional personal and professional growth, empowering ministry leaders to lead themselves and their congregations more effectively.

About Rev. Dr. Peter Coutts

Peter has been an ordained minister of The Presbyterian Church in Canada for 34 years. He has served four congregations and in one regional position: in Sidney BC (as a church planter), London ON and Calgary AB. In Calgary Peter was for 13 years the Lead Pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian--a congregation of 800 people. Over the years Peter has also held leadership roles regionally and nationally in his denomination, as well as acting as a consultant in about 50 critical incident or congregational change initiatives.

Peter's passion for organization development was ignited through his D.Min. studies at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, where he went on to be an adjunct professor teaching courses in understanding congregations and leading change in the doctoral program. Since graduation motivation psychology and its application to organizational change has been his ongoing academic pursuit. Peter was privileged to receive a research grant from the Louisville Institute provided to “academic practitioners” to “support the  intellectual work of pastoral leaders who have the capacities for research,  teaching, and writing that can reach broad audiences.” The grant allowed him to take a sabbatical in 2009 to begin working on Choosing Change.

Peter has been engaged across North America as a speaker and workshop leader. In addition Peter is a Certified Executive Coach of the International Coach Federation, holding an ACC accreditation.  


Platforms & Possibilities CHURCHx Course


Seeds of Grace Resources