71 Ways Ministry Leadership is Expressed in Today’s Church.

At Ministry Forum, we seek to widen our understanding of how ministry leadership is expressed today. Leadership in ministry is not exclusively held by ordained clergy who may have an MDiv.

We see ministry leaders using their gifts and fulfilling God’s calling in their lives through chaplaincy, psychotherapy, camping ministries, and in local congregations through ministries of music and educational ministries with children, youth, and adults.

Some use their gifts by offering their time and talents to pastorally care for members of their congregation and others through amazing prayer ministries.

Still others devote themselves in service to those experiencing poverty who appreciate a meal, some basic necessities, and a compassionate listening ear.

Many do the long and hard work of refugee sponsorship and coming alongside newcomers as they begin a new life in Canada.

And so very many people pursue ministry as they seek to follow Jesus in their daily living - at home and in the workplace.

The list goes on and on.

And we are here for all of it.

71 Ways Ministry Leadership is Expressed in Today’s Church.

  1. Worship Leadership
    Leading worship services and music ministries.

  2. Youth Ministry
    Organizing and leading programs for teenagers.

  3. Children’s Ministry
    Running Sunday school and children's programs.

  4. Prayer Ministry
    Coordinating and leading prayer groups and gatherings.

  5. Community Outreach
    Organizing and participating in community service projects.

  6. Refugee Sponsorship
    Helping resettle and support new comers.

  7. Counseling and Psychotherapy
    Providing spiritual and psychological counseling.

  8. Chaplaincy
    Serving in hospitals, prisons, and military.

  9. Small Group Leadership
    Facilitating small group Bible studies and fellowship groups and small group projects.

  10. Educational Ministry
    Teaching adult education classes and Bible studies.

  11. Mentorship
    Mentoring new believers and young leaders.

  12. Pastoral Care
    Visiting and supporting the sick, elderly, and homebound.

  13. Social Justice Advocacy
    Working on issues of social justice and advocacy.

  14. Missionary Work
    Serving in overseas or local missions.

  15. Administrative Leadership
    Managing church operations and day to day activities.

  16. Event Planning
    Organizing retreats, conferences and special events.

  17. Technology and Media
    Managing church websites, social media, and livestreams.

  18. Creative Arts
    Leading in arts ministries, including drama, dance, and visual arts.

  19. Hospitality
    Coordinating hospitality efforts, such as welcoming new members and hosting events.

  20. Finance and Stewardship
    Overseeing church finances and fundraising.

  21. Building and Grounds
    Maintaining church property and facilities.

  22. Library and Resource Management
    Managing the church library, acquiring new resources and tracking loaned materials.

  23. Care for Creation
    Leading environmental and sustainability initiatives.

  24. Volunteer Coordination
    Recruiting and organizing church volunteers.

  25. Interfaith Relations
    Building relationships with leaders across religious organizations.

  26. Elder or Deacon
    Serving in official church leadership roles.

  27. Musical Instruction
    Teaching music lessons and leading choirs.

  28. Health Ministry
    Promoting health and wellness programs like parish nurse ministries.

  29. Spiritual Direction
    Providing guidance in spiritual growth and discernment.

  30. Support Groups
    Leading groups for grief, addiction, etc.

  31. Food Ministry
    Running food banks, meal programs, and community kitchens.

  32. Disaster Relief
    Organizing and participating in disaster relief efforts.

  33. Marriage and Family Ministry
    Supporting marriages and families through counseling and events.

  34. Crisis Intervention
    Providing support in times of personal or community crisis.

  35. Cultural Engagement
    Leading cultural awareness and engagement initiatives.

  36. Intergenerational Ministry
    Creating programs that connect different generations within the church.

  37. Sports and Recreation
    Organizing sports teams and recreational activities - who doesn’t like Pickleball?!

  38. Writing and Publishing
    Creating written resources, devotionals, and church publications.

  39. Advocacy for Marginalized Groups
    Supporting marginalized communities within and outside the church.

  40. Spiritual Formation
    Leading retreats and programs focused on spiritual growth.

  41. Pastoral Internships
    Mentoring and supervising pastoral interns.

  42. Church Planting
    Leading efforts to establish new congregations.

  43. Legal and Ethical Guidance
    Providing legal and ethical advice to church leadership.

  44. Ecumenical Initiatives
    Working with other Christian denominations.

  45. Scholarship and Research
    Conducting theological research and scholarship.

  46. Music and Worship Composition
    Composing new music for worship.

  47. Advocacy for People with Disabilities
    Ensuring church accessibility and inclusion.

  48. Media Production
    Creating videos, podcasts, and other media content for the church.

  49. Senior Adult Ministry
    Leading programs specifically for senior adults.

  50. Language Translation
    Translating sermons and materials for non-English speakers.

  51. Technology Training
    Teaching technology skills to church members.

  52. Security Team
    Ensuring the safety and security of church services and events.

  53. Church History and Archives
    Preserving and promoting the church’s history.

  54. Special Needs Ministry
    Leading programs for individuals with special needs and their families.

  55. Funeral and Bereavement Ministry
    Providing support and services for those grieving.

  56. Art Therapy
    Using art as a therapeutic tool within ministry contexts.

  57. Interim Ministry
    Providing leadership during pastoral transitions.

  58. Church Governance
    Serving on church boards and committees.

  59. Communication and Marketing
    Developing and implementing communication strategies for the church.

  60. Legal Advocacy
    Providing legal support for justice initiatives and congregants in need.

  61. Seasonal and Holiday Ministries
    Organizing special programs and services for holidays and seasonal events.

  62. Singles Ministry
    Providing support and community for single adults.

  63. Young Adults Ministry
    Creating programs for college students and young professionals.

  64. Special Events Coordination
    Organizing weddings, baptisms, and other special church events.

  65. Conflict Resolution
    Mediating conflicts within the church community.

  66. Virtual Ministry
    Leading online worship services, Bible studies, and fellowship groups.

  67. Book Clubs
    Facilitating discussions on religious and spiritual literature.

  68. Apologetics
    Teaching and defending the faith through reasoned arguments.

  69. Networking and Partnerships
    Building relationships with other churches and organizations.

  70. Emergency Response Teams
    Organizing teams to respond to local emergencies and disasters.

  71. Hospitality Ministry
    Ensuring a welcoming environment with greeters and follow-up for visitors.


Master of Pastoral Studies (MPS) at Knox College


Master of Divinity (MDiv) at Knox College