Master of Divinity (MDiv) at Knox College

Thinking about going back to school? Feeling called to Ministry? Here’s a run down on the MDiv program at Knox.

PCC Ministry of Word of Sacrament

Students who are studying for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament of The Presbyterian Church in Canada also receive the Diploma of the College. This requires either Greek or Hebrew language courses (two introductory) as well as an exegetical course done in that language. These students should consult the “MDiv with Diploma of the College” program tracker.


The Master of Divinity prepares students for ordained ministry and for the responsibilities of general pastoral and religious leadership in congregations and other settings. Students of any denomination are welcome to study in the MDiv program at Knox College.

Knox College believes strongly in the importance of relevant and contemporary theological curriculum that will meet the dynamic and complex needs of the multicultural and inter-generational congregations that comprise the Church and in the future.

As well as enhancing traditional expectations concerning biblical and theological knowledge, our outcomes-based education measures competencies in: Christian living; cultural and theological understanding; professional knowledge relating to problem solving and conflict resolution; and moral and spiritual growth.

Students must meet all outcomes to graduate. Consultation with faculty advisors is required so that students take the correct prerequisites and courses. The Master of Divinity degree does not include a biblical language, although there are electives which allow students to take a biblical language.

Admission Requirements

  • An undergraduate degree (some exceptions apply) or equivalent degree from a university, college, or Indigenous Institute recognized by the University of Toronto

  • CGPA 2.7/4.0 or greater (70%; B-) for the entire degree

NOTE: If your undergraduate degree was conferred by a post-secondary institution that uses a grading scale other than the 4.0 GPA scale, please review your transcripts to confirm CGPA equivalency before applying to Knox College.

Program Structure

The Master of Divinity requires the successful completion of thirty courses, which can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

This program can be completed:

  • full-time in three academic years

In the hybrid pathway for the MDiv between 34%-66% of course requirements may be taken online. Normally a student in this pathway will complete 33% of the program (10 courses) through online courses and 33% of the program (10 courses) through in person courses. The remaining ten courses may be taken either online or in person. In very rare cases, exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Academic Dean.

Normally students in the hybrid MDiv pathway are expected to complete a residency requirement of two semesters (10 courses) in the final year of the program.

The ten designated online courses taken in Years 1 and 2 are: KNB1006H, KNB1501H, KNT1101H, KNH1015H, KNP1443H, KNP1601H, KNP2548H, KNF3010Y Theological Field Education (2 course value), and one elective.

The ten designated in person courses taken in year three are: KNB3930H OR KNB3232H, KNT3271H, TSX2010H (or equivalent), KNH3571H, KNP3372H, KNP3732H, KNP3426H, KNF3060H, and two electives.

The individual courses are outlined in the MDiv Program Tracker or, for PCC ministry students, the MDiv with Diploma of the College Program Tracker.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the Reformed Christian heritage and articulate one’s own
theological positions in relation to the diversity of theological perspectives and practices in the larger Christian tradition.
2. Interpret Scripture and Christian texts using a variety of methods, sources and norms, as a means to preach, teach, write and lead in English.
3. Demonstrate critical understanding of the relationship between faith practices, cultural
contexts, theology, and mission for ordered and lay ministries, including an understanding of Christian engagement and dialogue with other world religions.
4. Demonstrate critical self-awareness with regard to one’s own and others’ faith perspectives, practices and theologies, including an integrated theological framework that promotes God’s justice and mission.
5. Reflect critically on one’s call to leadership and service in relation to the variety of callings within the Christian tradition.
6. Attend to the vocational and spiritual development, practices and well-being of self and others within communities of faith.
7. Demonstrate leadership, initiative, responsibility and accountability in group, congregational and public contexts, including the integration of theory and practice relevant to congregational and community leadership.


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