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After Dispensationalism Book Conversation

Join other interested clergy for a stimulating conversation around Dr. Brian Irwin’s new book, After Dispensationalism: Reading the Bible for the End of the World.

About the Book:

Christians' fixation on the end times is not new. While eschatological speculation has sometimes resulted in distraction or despair, Scripture does speak about the end. So what does God most want us to know and do with prophecy?

After Dispensationalism, Brian P. Irwin and Tim Perry sympathetically yet critically sketch the history, beliefs, and concerns of dispensationalism. Though a minority view in the sweep of church history and tradition, dispensationalism is one of the most influential end-times systems today, and there is much to learn from it. And yet, sometimes it gets sidetracked by overlooking the prophets' main concerns.

Irwin and Perry reexamine the key texts and show that Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation primarily give a word of hope to God’s people.

Register today for this two-part series hosted by Ministry Forum.

Part One on Zoom - Friday, October 6, at 2 p.m.

Gather with other clergy who have recently read or are in the process of reading the book, discussing their questions for Dr. Irwin and considering how they might use this book in their contexts.

Part Two on Zoom - Friday, October 27, at 2 p.m.

Join Dr. Brian Irwin for a question and answer period discussing the book with those in attendance.

Register Today for both sessions.

Plus, don’t forget to order your copy of the book here!