10 Books for Taking the Gospel Beyond the Church Walls to the Streets.
A round-up of thought-provoking books that encourage us to step outside the traditional church building and engage more deeply with our communities.

Featured Resource: STUCK
Could it be that the congregational model as it has evolved over the decades is contributing to ordained ministers (and I’d also wonder about paid staff, volunteers, and lay leaders too) feeling constrained or hindered, even fed up with the structure of Church while at the same time not losing their love for the Gospel?
Well, you’ll need to read the book to draw your own conclusions.

Did You Miss It? Christmas Book Wish List 2023
The 1st Annual Christmas Book Wish List from the Faculty and Staff of Knox College. We asked the great people of Knox to share their book suggestions with ministry leaders - they did not disappoint!

1st Annual Christmas Book Wish List
The 1st Annual Christmas Book Wish List from the Faculty and Staff of Knox College. We asked the great people of Knox to share their book suggestions with ministry leaders - they did not disappoint!

After Dispensationalism Book Conversation
Join other interested clergy for a stimulating conversation around Dr. Brian Irwin’s new book, After Dispensationalism: Reading the Bible for the End of the World. This is a two-part session online.