Leadership Fundamentals for Ministry
Every ministry leader, whether you’re a seasoned pastor or a volunteer leading a small group, has encountered moments where they felt stretched thin. Perhaps you’ve wrestled with how to navigate a conflict with a staff member or volunteer. Maybe you’ve struggled to make decisions with clarity and confidence, or you’ve wondered how to rebuild trust in a congregation that has experienced division.
These aren’t just practical problems; they’re spiritual ones too. As leaders in the church, we’re called to model Christ’s example—to lead with humility, grace, and truth. But without intentional development, these qualities can be hard to sustain in the face of daily pressures.
And because at Ministry Forum we believe no ministry leader should have to navigate these challenges alone - we’ve partnered with experts in leadership development to host a 5 week series on the Fundamentals of Leadership for Ministry Leaders. Through this series you’ll gain practical tools and encouragement to lead with authenticity and clarity.

Leadership Fundamentals for Ministry
Every ministry leader, whether you’re a seasoned pastor or a volunteer leading a small group, has encountered moments where they felt stretched thin. Perhaps you’ve wrestled with how to navigate a conflict with a staff member or volunteer. Maybe you’ve struggled to make decisions with clarity and confidence, or you’ve wondered how to rebuild trust in a congregation that has experienced division.
These aren’t just practical problems; they’re spiritual ones too. As leaders in the church, we’re called to model Christ’s example—to lead with humility, grace, and truth. But without intentional development, these qualities can be hard to sustain in the face of daily pressures.
And because at Ministry Forum we believe no ministry leader should have to navigate these challenges alone - we’ve partnered with experts in leadership development to host a 5 week series on the Fundamentals of Leadership for Ministry Leaders. Through this series you’ll gain practical tools and encouragement to lead with authenticity and clarity.

Flourishing In Ministry
One of my favourite books, that I’ve mentioned before, is Flourishing in Ministry by Matt Bloom. I think everyone who serves as a minister should read it - and I think it should be required reading for congregational leaders too. I think many of the concepts also translate to other areas of ministry leadership.

Featured Resource: STUCK
Could it be that the congregational model as it has evolved over the decades is contributing to ordained ministers (and I’d also wonder about paid staff, volunteers, and lay leaders too) feeling constrained or hindered, even fed up with the structure of Church while at the same time not losing their love for the Gospel?
Well, you’ll need to read the book to draw your own conclusions.