Attempts at Authenticity in Youth Ministry - Guest Post from Sara Traficante

This week welcome Ministry Forum Intern, Sara Traficante as a guest writer to brings some insights and ideas surrounding the topic of Youth Ministry. Sara is an MPS student at Knox College and currently serves in Youth Ministry at Central Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, ON.

The kiddos in our churches grow into teenagers, and transitioning from children’s programs is not always smooth. What are the teens to do on Sunday mornings? Although we include frequent intergenerational experiences at my church, there is not always an obvious fit as teens move into high school. Some join the choir or the livestream team, others become assistants in the Sunday school, and a few float in just on time for coffee and cookies.

This fall we decided to try a multi-faceted approach with the teens:

  • Play to our strengths

    Foster an open and welcoming environment for whoever appears at youth activities. Just be who we are. Nothing flashy, but here to learn and listen.

  • We decided to not offer a confirmation class.
    Instead, we put focus on scripture reading skills and opportunities to notice and reflect on our spiritual resources.

  • First Friday of the Month Dinner
    Where teens help prepare the meal. Circle check-in with leaders. A topical study and relaxed social time or basketball.

  • Group chat on WhatsApp
    This is the agreed upon app by the teens and their parents. We drop reminders for upcoming events, Sunday updates, and encouragement. 

  • Offer rides for teens who come on their own.
    Check-in with our ministry of texting.

  • Ask the Minister Anything Lunch.
    Many big questions popped up.

Some Surprises:

  • Teens Need a Safe Space to Talk
    We learned that in secular and interfaith high schools, there are not obvious spaces for open Christian discussion. These teens wanted safe space to talk about Jesus and to ask questions.

  • Denomination doesn’t matter.
    Teens from other churches who do not have youth programs are participating in this space to read the bible with other teens.

  • They wanted more opportunities to be together.
    We started a second study on Sundays after church for 30 minutes during fellowship time.

Topics included learning from my MPS program:

Breath prayers
From scripture as a spiritual practice.

Relational Spirituality Model.
What sources of spiritual seeking, spiritual challenge, and spiritual dwelling appear in our lives and can be identified as we read scripture?

A study on belonging with great questions from Kate Bowler.

The responses scream authenticity for teens in my church.

“What are the gifts, skills, characteristics, passions, and interests that make you who you are?” 

  • Sports

  • Creation

  • Art

  • Caring/Compassion

  • Reading

  • Baking

  • Writing

  • Music

Whose help, instruction, or influence has been especially foundational for you?

  • Jesus

  • Grandparents

  • Summer McIntosh

  • Lin-Manuel Miranda

  • LeBron James

  • Parents

  • Teachers

  • Rick Riordan

  • Sheldon Keefe

  • Freddie Mercury

As we stumble/journey along month by month, the approach continues to follow the teens’ lead, to listen to what their capacity is, and to understand how we can best support


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