Breaking Down the Walls Between Age Groups
For years, churches have been built on a well-meaning strategy: dividing the community into specific age groups to meet their unique needs. It’s the norm in most churches — separate ministries for children, youth, young adults, seniors. It seemed logical and even beneficial at the time. After all, who better to relate to a teenager than another teenager? And wouldn’t seniors rather be with people who understand their stage of life? But over time, these well-intentioned efforts to focus on particular age groups have built something unintended: age silos.

Meet the Ministry Forum Interns ‘24-’25
We are delighted to introduce you to our new Ministry Forum Interns!! Starting this Fall, as a part of Knox College’s commitment to Student Support and Experience, we’ve created some capacity to hire two Interns who will be working alongside us for this academic year.

Bible in a Minute - Riverside Church NYC
1,189 daily videos, all 1 minute in length detailing each chapter of the Bible… one day at a time!

Let Us Know - July 2/24
Every week we’ll ask a question to the community. We hope you’ll provide your thoughts and insights and engage with other lifelong learners on this journey of growth and development.

Featured Resource: Growing Young
An overview of Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church

Let Us Know - May 7/24
Every week we’ll ask a question to the community. We hope you’ll provide your thoughts and insights and engage with other lifelong learners on this journey of growth and development.

Voices on Gen-Z and the Church
Recently, we completed our second Capstone project with some students who attend a Christian University. Their project was to assess the spiritual needs of Gen Z (those born between 1996 and 2010). We specifically asked these Gen Z students to do this work because they often don’t get a chance to research (speak for) themselves but lots of research is done on this particular generation.

Children Ministry: Resources and Curriculum
A round up of Children and Youth ministry curriculums and resources for all different contexts.

Children & Youth Ministry: Embracing Change and Community
Let’s dig into the evolving landscape of Children's Ministry, exploring innovative approaches to engage young minds beyond traditional crafts and pageants. It discusses the importance of integrating children into the wider church life through family worship and community events. In this post we highlight successful examples of churches engaging young people and the larger community.

Featured Resource: Dandelion Marketplace
An overview of a helpful resource: Dandelion Marketplace - a platform that provides progressive spiritual formation content for families and communities.

Bible in a Minute - Riverside Church NYC
1,189 daily videos, all 1 minute in length detailing each chapter of the Bible… one day at a time!

Spiritual Disciplines for Families
A round up of resources to help foster family faith formation and spiritual disciplines.