The Antiracism Course with Selam Debs
In our commitment to provide helpful resources and opportunities for personal growth, we are working with Selam Debs to offer her excellent Self-Led Antiracism Course to interested ministry leaders in our Ministry Forum audience and beyond. The more people who sign up - the more generous the subsidy. The course won’t be released until the late Spring, but we wanted to gauge your willingness to start or go deeper on your personal exploration of anti-racism.

Becoming An Anti-Racist Church - Take a Step
The work of becoming an anti-racist church is not a destination but an ongoing journey of learning, unlearning, repentance, and action. This post is not the final word on the subject but an invitation to begin—or continue—the journey together.

Black History Month 2024
This month is referred to as Black History Month and sometimes Black Heritage or Black Futures Month.
If you are looking for resources to enhance your congregation’s worship life or to engage in learning more about black history, anti-racism, white supremacy, or intercultural ministry, we’ve got a round up of resources on our website this week.