Pastors Retreat March 2024 - We Will Continue Walking Together with Jesus

We Will Continue Walking Together with Jesus

Someone said, “I love it when a plan comes together!” That certainly could be said for the Lenten Retreat for Weary Pastors held at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre last week.

Ministry Forum was delighted to sponsor and participate in this meaningful time away for ministry leaders. Curated by the incomparable Crieff Director, The Rev. Dr. Kristine O’Brien in partnership with her amazing team, all who attended were overwhelmed by our hosts’ grace and hospitality as it seemed that all details were anticipated and taken care of.

The Planning Team - Marijke Strong, Jeff Crawford, Ross Lockhart, Kristine O’Brien, and myself - desired to create a space for pastors during the season of Lent that reflected the rhythm of Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.

By the Spirit’s indwelling, each of our leaders riffed off one another as we engaged in meaningful dialogue around topics like burnout and self-care, navigating anxious systems, thriving in ministry, dimensions of leadership, and being on the look out for ‘resurrection’ in the places we serve and beyond. It was amazing to witness how the material resonated and the group moved to deep and vulnerable space quickly. It was also fascinating to see how the ‘leaders’ felt that the gathering was place of belonging for them too - we were in this experience together!

For all involved, this was a special place to be for a few days last week.

Someone asked me the other day, what’s it like out there - as ministers’ serve in congregations? Well, if this little cross-section of our clergy was our sample and without breaking confidences at all since the experience of those gathered was so very similar to other stories I’ve heard. You’d discover, as was mentioned often during the Retreat (which you could imagine would be music to our Ministry Forum ears), that clergy are experiencing many similar pressures and challenges - “we are not alone!” 

So who are WE?

Well, we are tired, and in some cases exhausted, by the relentlessness of the varying demands of ministry.

We feel deeply the emotional weight of the reality we find ourselves in as we walk with declining and anxious congregations.

We sometimes feel like it all depends upon us.

We show up day after day with an abundance of care and compassion for others - and sometimes have little to spare for ourselves and those whom we love.

We are doing things that we’ve never done before and some things we really don’t want to be doing in the first place.

We are often disappointed by what we hoped the Church could be.

We responsibly turn up and serve systems that are broken, ineffective, and are in desperate need of innovation.

We love what we do and couldn’t imagine doing anything else AND at the same time want to give it all up and do something completely different.

We still believe that the GOOD NEWS matters and that Jesus walks the road with us. Sometimes ‘the Church’ surprises us - in a good way!

We don’t have all the answers.

We do have creative imaginations of what could be possible - if only someone would listen to us.

We passionately are seeking a way forward.

We want to see resurrection, but like those who did see it firsthand, find it so very hard to recognize. Some of us have seen it but we are afraid to tell others.

We will continue to walk together with Jesus.

We are not alone. 



My time at Co-Creating Plausible Futures for the Canadian Church 2024


Let Us Know - March 12/24