Dear Ministry Leader: YOU Matter Too.
Mental Health, counselling Ministry Forum Mental Health, counselling Ministry Forum

Dear Ministry Leader: YOU Matter Too.

One finding that fascinated me - and connects with how we may be feeling at the moment - was this: almost 100% of pastors acknowledge that it is somewhat true that their mental health is important while half use none of the identified services for personal, spiritual, or mental health support (like counsellors, spiritual directors, coaches, psychotherapists, etc)…

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What is Inter-mission?
Mental Health, Inter-mission Ministry Forum Mental Health, Inter-mission Ministry Forum

What is Inter-mission?

A passionate proponent of regular sabbaticals, our Director, John shares his experience around the benefits of taking intentional breaks as a way of sustaining one for the life of ministry. If you’ve never heard of Inter-mission, then this webinar is definitely for you. The session will not be recorded since we want to ensure the safety and confidentiality of our attendees.

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