Upcoming events.
Practicing Resurrection
In the midst of January doldrums, start planning for Easter and join author Laura Alary to celebrate the launch of "Rise: A Child’s Guide to Eastertide" in conversation with Traci Smith and Jennifer Grant, who will share ideas from their own books, "Faithful Families for Lent, Easter, and Resurrection" and "Sing, Wrestle, Spin: Prayers for Active Kids." Together, they will offer suggestions for simple and meaningful practices to help children explore and deepen their faith.
Brighten these dark days with the colors of resurrection!
Brian McLaren - Life After Doom
An inspiring in-person and live-streamed event with author, and theologian Brian McLaren.Friday, May 10th, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in Guelph.
Evening with Kate Bowler and Sarah Bessey
An evening with Kate Bowler and Sarah Bessey as they celebrate the publication of their new books Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs & In-Betweens and Field Notes the Wilderness: Practices for an Evolving Faith (Convergent Books).
Unsettling Worship Book Conversation
This just in: Join Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis and members of her advisory committee to discuss her latest book, "Unsettling Worship: Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities." On November 2 at 1 PM EST on Zoom, you're invited to be part of the conversation about decolonizing worship and creating new possibilities.
Book launch: Mission as Penance
On Tuesday October 3, The Presbytery of East Toronto will be meeting at Knox College, Toronto. Prior to the meeting, they will join Dr. Charles Fensham and guests for a celebration of the release of his most recent publication, Mission as Penance: Essays on the Theology of Mission from a Canadian Context.