Books for Church Decline, Conflict and Seasons of Change
Decline, conflict, deconstruction, change… these can all be difficult seasons in the life of a congregation. If you’re in one of these seasons right now we’ve put together a list of books that might help - whether they give you some insight into what’s happening, give you hope for a brighter tomorrow, or just make you feel a little more seen in through this difficult period.

Strengthening Lay Leaders in Seasons of Decline and Transition
When a congregation is in a season of decline, or interim leadership - it can feel overwhelming. Where should we start? What should we focus on? Is there any hope to turn things around? These are big questions and we don’t promise to answer them in a single post, but the following might help shed a little light into a season of ministry that feels darker than usual…

3 Books For Navigating Transitions
Leaving well and starting well are vitally important for both parties - the ministering person and the ministries to which they are beginning or concluding.

Rethinking Pastoral Transitions: What If They were Like A Relay Race?
I’ve wondered from time to time if the PCC would benefit from considering - What if we imagined pastoral transitions as a relay race